Sir Thomas Wyatt was both a poet and politician in the 16th century. His father was a counselor and adviser of Henry VII (Not to be confused with his son, Henry VIII.) After studying at St. John's College, Thomas went on many diplomatic missions for the King. He was even a member of the party who went to Rome to appeal to the Pope to annul the marriage of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. This appeal failed and led directly to Henry VIII creating the Church of England.

Wyatt's own personal life was something of a mess. He and his wife separated due to adultry and many of his poems were about her. He was also believed to be in love with Anne Boleyn, a rumour which would later land him in prison and quite possibly force him to witness her execution.

Wyatt was a pioneer of the English sonnet, which he derrived from Italian sonnets with an altered rhyme scheme at first.

Wyatt died in 1542 of illness. Henry Howard wrote his epitaph. 1